
-The art of not getting lost-

.................... ..... ..........................

......ambiguous tomorrow and growing impatience,
delusive decision branch and massive frustration, and
overwhelming melancholy still trying to dominate my senses......

 .........................  ............in such a chaotic bottomless swamp
(or maybe all the more reason),

I should not relinquish my inner belief,
which will guide me in the next direction.......

 ...... ................................. 



You and I talk about the creation of each of our futures.
The plan changes me from a passive bystander to an active participator,
As if it was the resonance of a vibraphone, felt in my bones.

I realize the affinity between the music and us, and 
You and I look at one another.

The multiple-layered tones created by the mallets,
They become a sympathy telling our fancy, streaming to our bond.




A gentleman bends over a flower
and asks her in a whisper.
      "What brings you the color?"

Wrapped in music by Debussy, they gaze at each other.

       "Well...if you look at a good painting, you may get transported," replied the flower, feeling a breeze on the nape of her neck. 

       "So," the gentleman, after thinking a little, asks her again,   
"You make music into color, don't you?" 

The flower smiles brilliantly and responds with a question,
        "What brings you your color?"

Then, he, too, beams at her, feeling the subtle fragrance of the flower.


-Spot lit by a half moon-

Life under the light.
what he thinks is reflecting on a glass.

    Sharing the innermost feeling.
blueprints for next.

Night made 'em resolve
the tomorrow's hope.

The more of it, the better.




An old man says.

“Good morning, man.”
A stranger returns his greeting to the old man.

“Ii otenki desune”
The old man breaks into a broad grin.

“Yeah, it is very good weather.”
The stranger gazes at the sky.

“Ashita mo hareruto iidesune.”
The old man pulls at his white mustache.

“Haha, I bet it will be fine tomorrow, too.”
The stranger says so and stretches his arms a little farther.

“Ashita mo iihi ni narisou desu.”
The old man takes a slow and deep breath.

“Right, we will have another good day, man.”
The stranger catches one of the clouds and tosses it into his mouth.

“Onaka ga suite kimashita.”
The old man rubs his tummy.

“Oh, I’m sorry. You are hungry, too? Are you leaving then?”
The stranger asks the old man gently.

“Hai. Mata aimashou.”
The old man says so and starts to move backward again.

“OK, see you then.”
The old man's new friend sleeps 'til the next meeting comes.


I inhale you,
And explore your future.

 I wouldn’t tell you what you would be.
But I’d rather tell you if your way is right.

I exhale you,
And will welcome your next breath.


-A Motive-

 ---I saw a nightmare.
But I didn’t cry.

---I was left alone.
But I didn’t huff over.

---I felt a facial wound.
But I didn’t care.

I express myself,
Only when you get hurt.





"If I go up with this stairs, can I reach the sky?"

A boy asked  an old woman standing just next to him. "What do you think?" He peeked in her winkled face, pointing out the huge stairs that emerged last night.
       "Absolutely, absolutely.." said the woman, nodding reassuringly with her eyes half-closed. She poked the boy with her wodden walking stick, and asked. "Then, what do you expect to see in the sky, a little boy?"
       "Well, I want to experience the place which has no sound, madam," said the boy with his curious eyes still looking up.
       "What the hell is your guess?" yelled the old woman suddenly."The sky has no sound? No way, no way..." She closed her eyes and kept saying her rejections, shaking her head slightly.
       The boy looked helplessly at the old woman, and said, "Oh yeah?... but the place with no life would be no sound, wouldn't it?" He smiled at the old woman."Then...I might more feel that 'I AM LIVING' right there."

He felt that the stairs and the sky are calling him.

-In NYC-

"I like your strange clothes."
A woman said so when I met her gaze directly.

"Yeah? You must look much stranger, though?"
I said so cynically with a frown.
She looked like something out of a fairy tale.

Then she giggled.
"How could I become so strange?”

She paused for a moment...
And started dancing just like a mermaid.

"For me, this place is my seafloor."



-Walk on the Magnet (spin-off ver.)-

Boring, boring, I may say.
What's the purpose of my heart.
What would lead you to my gate.

My arms for hugging your shoulders
But someday hold myself.

I stand here, with their green eyes.
People cajole me out of the gain,
"You ought to be there, for this place!"

But colorless, joyless, I may say.
Who hates here? then
Who likes me more?

My arms gotta be ready for the next.
And I will haul you like the magnets.

I'm here to author winds.
I'm here to author torch.
And I will be there to capture you.



The silver grasses filled with the fall were talking to the people dancing around there.
     "Oh, you are so happy, right? You do like the fall, right?"

People stopped, but then, they started dancing again.
One of them said, 
      "You are dancing, too. You must be happy, huh?"

The silver grasses also stopped, but then, they started wispering with the draft again.
One of them laughed,
      "Never mind, never mind,  you are happy with dancing. I'm happy with swinging with fellows.
I just cannot wait for the sunset that is coming soon."

      "Same here, my friends," said a boy dancing a ballet softly.
      "We don't mind you waving, as long as you are happy, and so are we.
I just cannot wait for the next stage coming soon."

Then, an airplaine left his big voice over their heads.
He was shining, and flying, as if he was rushing himself.

      "Let me join you guys," said he.

"I just cannot wait for tomorrow coming soon, man."


-The Car-

"If I say that I'm a Camera man who keeps showing you the vastness of nature, will you agree with that?"  While I was driving on an uninterrupted mountain road, my sweetheart that has an engine asked me so.

"Let me think..." I smiled a little bit nastily.

Waiting to see whether I answer his question, his body whirred as if it encourages me to speak up.

"Well, it can be. But I cannot use your 'photos' for wall decoration
, can I?" I made an indication of regret.

His engine then rumbled loudly. "Mmm maybe not..." said he.
But the next moment, he acted like everything was normal, and went on,
"There is only one point on which I must insist."

"What?" I asked.
"We are sharing this moment together, just like how photos work." 
He scratched his front window in embarrassment.

I knew that his words decorated my heart then.


-A Fate-

We have been chased by COLORs.

 "It is better not to be on a road," said my fellow.

One day, we were thrown by a naughty boy accidentally. 

     "I flew! We came in the green sky!" I said so breathlessly. But my fellow looked puzzled.

     "We don't work well in a tree."
His hands dropped powerless by his side. But then with grim determination, he said,

     "There is no choice but accepting our COLORs."

I nodded and tied my hand with his hand strongly.



As we are looking at a blaze waving on a river,
We remember that we are also tossed by the flux of time.

With some withered leaves' sound,
Our eyes again follow the sun's movement winking out.

 "Should we reach the light?"


But we would better withdraw the hand.
And should say to the grand.

"Our wave is much faster than you, the river."



-A Willing Command-

Do I have your attention?

I'm going to snap at the squirling water right now!

Can you see that?

Then I'll gulp it all down!

How exciting, huh?

After that,, I'll swim in this huge lake!

Can you hear the sound of a plopping fish? Can you?

I'm going to catch it for sure!


Oh you said, "Go ahead?"

Phew, this is what is wrong with you!

I haven't heard my boss's go-sign yet, huh!?



It was raining...nay, it stormed even.

       "Oh man, I cannot stand living in this world filled with the life-threatening water." People cast their gaze heavenward and kept watching the persistent rain.

―A man was also there.

He bent his knees like he was searching for his valuables that he has lost. He stared at the rain having a loss of shape on a plain ground.

       "Sometimes...," he said, toward the grief-stricken compeers. "Sometimes, I feel that these rains are not always that poisonous."

       "Did you have a screw loose? They all must be harmful for us!" A young lady said, showing her damaged arm. The rain, encouraged by her words, was growing in strength. The watery clouds were still dropping down their hateful drops.


The man knew that there was something that offered mental and spiritual sustenance in the rain.
He looked at his hand and raised his palm upward.

       "I wanna scoop the precious intangible asset from here," whispered he.

People gave the man a condescending look, but then, they noticed.
A part of the rainy sky was gracefully, trying to shine light onto them.


-A Trial-

 "Oh Gosh, I seem to have lost my box,"
Lowry sits there, hanging his head.

       "So what?" said the sidelong fox.

       "That box confined my inside dread."

Lowry screamed so threatened by an old oak tree.

     "Oh boy oh boy" the fox gave his head a subtle shake.
"We cannot live, escaping the feeling can we?
Your box is here, but you gotta calm the inside snake." 

-His Belief-

"Will I become a real human, huh?"

I asked. 
People always care about my posing.

I'm just waiting for the moment I become a human, that I have been willing to for a long time.

For the space of a second, I came up with an awful idea.

"No one wouldn't  hear my voice?"

But that isn't right.
I shaked the notion from my mind,
then faced forward.

"Will I become a real human, huh?"

I asked again.

I still believe that I can be a human.
That is because.


People smile at me everytime when they finish taking picures of me.
I believe,

That is their approval for myself.


There are 

No conflicts 
No jealousy
No contempt
No nervousness
No anger.


There are some buildings as if to sentinel one cloud in the sky.

       "How was the cloud created, mom?"

A girl in a crowd asked her mother who was giving her sight toward the cloud.
Lifting the girl in her arms, her mother answers,

       "People have been sending their 'dark' feelings to the cloud to keep this calmness."

But the mother DOES worry.
She worries how long it would continue and how big the cloud would become.

She sees the girl and the sky again.
And she gives a deep sigh toward the cloud.


-The Time Travel-

"You want to go see the next room? It will show us when we met for the first time."

       ―Let me see...by the way, why next room looks so crowded, darlin' ?

"Well, everyone may want to remember the feeling of being in love, again."

        ―Oh, darlin' it wasn't love at first sight in my case though?

"Even not, their mind must have felt some excitement then I guess."

        ―Actually, I want to go to the next next room. What is the room about?

"I heard the next next room would be the last room....we will go back to the present."

        ―Oh you darlin' I feel the quickened beat of my heart.


Some young people in a small village are talking in whispers.
       "Hey, what do ya think the girl will become after leaving this village?" said one of them. They believe that when they leave the village, they will transform into something better naturally. That is what they have been told by the old.
       "I guess she will be a sweet butterfly. Slowly but beautifully, she's going to fly away," said a guy shyly staring at the girl sitting on a stone by the entrance. His only thought is of her future which may be filled with many adventures.
       "After her, I will leave this village and see what I will transform into," said the guy.
       "What can you do for her whatever you become?" laughed his sister looking at the guy's trembling hands.
       The guy still glancing at the girl. "Well...but I bet. I bet I will be like a big balloon so that she can take a rest even in the sky."

       They saw girl floating into the new field for herself.

-I'm a Traveler-

"Well, here is quite humid and too low to have a sightseeing."

I closed my house's window showing the high building.

"I'll go to another spot this night."

I  turned off my smarm.

 ―Yes. I'm a traveler .

-In a Museum-

When I woke up, I was on a plain wall.
It was like the same kind of impact as being eaten by pray.I would call it a sudden onslaught.

       "Did HE do that?"

I got upset, conjuring up the image of his shadow.

But when I happened to glance over to the front, I found another snake on a wall.
Then my anger faded out...and I decided to stay quiet.
That's what I call,

"When in a MUSEUM, do as the RESIDENTS do."

-The Tower-

I shouted,
"You shouldn't think that I cannot see further than you see!"

My father exclaimed,
"Why do you look so snobbish? You bend backward, don't you?"

An old man cried,
"Who said that I wouldn't live longer than you would stay there?"

A discarded cat roared,
" I shall find my place by myself unlike you!"

We all had some concerns about our lives.
But we couldn't admit the serious nervousness.

We will come here tomorrow , the day after that, and day after that...

And we will shout the same complaint to the lofty tower in front of us.


Parks are filled with lives.

People lying on a lawn.
Reading on a bench.
Taking around a dog.

When I find you, I think of your life.
Then I walk with light feet, being close to you.

I feel,
A rush of excitement.

Coo, coo...
I shouldn't suprise you with my wings' sound.

I keep quiet...      

I will strain my ears.
The only purpose for that is,
Catching your words with the sign.

You say somehow...

          "How peaceful this place is."