
-Life Is an Assemblage-

-bark residue observing a part of one’s life-

-factory noise-

-mouses in abysmal condition-

-still mechanical shriek -

And -a cheese…*quintessential*-

"What are you doing my boy?"

-a plump mouse asking to his son, who has been nibbling at a piece of the cheese-

  Dad, I’m making. □□□

-the tiny mouse’s innocent eyes-

"What are you making my mousy?"

-patting the little mouse on his head-

-the adult’s plan scheme of praise for anything/ the father’s smother love-

-pat, pat, machine sound, and pat, pat-

□□   I, I….

-very short hand-

-trying to a construct some with the cheese, looking for a bigger piece-

□□□  I want to make a house.

-a limited floor space-

-dad: takes no notice of his son’s try-

-too softy and fragile materials-


-the son's framing going on, going on, in order to make his image visible for himself…-

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